Profesionaliai fotografuojam ir filmuojam

Vestuvių Fotografavimas
  • Dviejų fotografų darbas
  • Konsultacija, patarimai, vestuvių dienos planavimas
  • Fotografuosime nuo ryto iki torto pjaustymo
  • Pateiksime nuo 300 retušuotų fotografijų, dviem komplektais, įrašytų į DVD diskus
  • Mūsų puslapyje patalpinsime Jūsų asmeninę galeriją
  • Fotoalbumas 60 puslapių 30x28cm, su aukštos kokybės nuotraukom 20x30/15x21
  • Fotografijų paruošimas/retušavimas per 2 mėnesius
  • Kaina: 1999lt

  • Pagaminsime aukštos kokybės 60 puslapių, 30x30cm dydžio fotoknygą su išskirtiniu Jūsų vestuvių viršeliu (1199lt)
  • Pagaminsime aukštos kokybės 2 papildomas knygas, 40 puslapių 20x25cm, kurios bus pati geriausia dovana jūsų tėveliams! (1199lt)
  • Iš gražiausių akimirkų sukursime fotofilmą (199lt)
  • Priešvestuvinė fotosesija (1-2val. 299lt)
  • Vestuvių Filmavimas
    Full HD kokybes Nemokamai Krikštynų fotografavimas
    • HTML and CSS supported content pages in which you can load images, styled text, hyperlinks and much more.
    • You can use the mouse and keyboard arrows to scroll the content.
    • Press the HOME, END keys on your keyboard to scroll to the top and bottom of the content respectively

    The galleries in this template are modified version of XML Image Gallery 1. Features include:
    • Very easy to use
    • Administer the following settings from XML
      • Dimensions of the gallery if you don't want to have it fullscreen
      • Gap between menu items and thumbnail items
      • The background image that is displayed when the gallery first loads
      • The number of columns of the thumbnails that must be displayed
      • The images, their titles and descriptions
    • Use the keyboard arrow keys to scroll the thumbs and also to go to previous/next images
    • Press the "I" key on your keyboard to see the info related to the loaded images
    • Press the "T" key on your keyboard to see the thumbnails list
    • Press the "M" key on your keyboard to see the categories of the gallery
    • Press the HOME, END keys on your keyboard to scroll to the top and bottom of the thumbnails list
    • You can use the mouse and keyboard arrows to scroll the thumbnaiils list.

    Password protected galleries
    These galleries are password protected version of the galleries used in this template. You can use this section to give provide you clients with a means to review the work you did for them without allowing others to see it.
    • Passwords are stored as MD5 hashes
    • The XML files storing the client's information is encrypted for further security
    • You can choose to encrypt the XML files or not
    • You can login with the following credentials

      • Login: iceonflames
      • Password: flashden

      • Login: john
      • Password: smith

    • The client can submit a review of the work then and there once he logs into the client section

    Note: The system I've implemented is very simple in terms of security, but manages to hide the client information effectively. I however do not guarantee the safety of the system and am not responsible for any damage (like people getting in without having access credentials, though it is actually pretty difficult if you follow the right measueres. I've outlined more secure measures in the help file). If you are looking for a very secure system, then you must consider using databases in conjunction with the login module of this template (which is not provided with the template. You'll have to implement it for yourself.

    I've implemented a simple deeplinking framework that allows enabling of browser history(the BACK button of your browser) and also you can directly link to a specific section of your website. Try this for example - Flowers section

    Auto-generated HTML page
    • This page is used keeping SEO in view
    • Search engines will find this page useful to index the content of the site as they find it difficult to index flash content
    • Also, visitors who do not have Flash player plugin installed on their browser will be shown this page with a link to install Flash player
    • The HTML page is generated dynamically from the same XML files used to generate the Flash website. So you don't have to worry about maintenance of the HTML page. Change the content of the XML files and...VOILA!...the content of the HTML page is also updated
    • Your server needs to have PHP 5.0 and server side XSLT support to generate the HTML page
    • I've included how to find this out in the help file
    • See the generated HTML page here

    Main Menu features
    • Choose if the background slideshow must be on/off for a particular menu item
    • Choose if a particular menu item is available in Flash site and HTML template or not (this is because both Flash and HTML versions use the same XML file to generate the main menu. See how different the menu items are in both versions.)

    Contact form
    The template comes with a simple contact form for your visitors to contact you.

    MP3 player The template comes with a simple MP3 player that plays a single track. You can change the path of the MP3 file in XML.

    Other features
    • All the scrollable lists - the content pages, the thumbnail lists in galleries use the vertical version of my Easy Content Scroller. So you have a ready made scroll component to implement into your projects.
    • Though the MP3 player plays a single track (I did this for the sake of simplicity), I've included a set of classes that will help you create a MP3 player with full playlist functionality very easily

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus id lectus. Duis turpis dui, pellentesque id, rutrum sed. Sed hendrerit, est sed congue luctus, arcu mauris tincidunt elit, vestibulum accumsan quam risus nec turpis. Aliquam ultricies libero ut lacus. Cras scelerisque lectus ac justo. Proin imperdiet. Maecenas cursus. Cras euismod vehicula velit. Aenean odio augue, cursus ac, sagittis in, blandit sit amet, nulla. Suspendisse lacinia. Fusce feugiat quam sed ligula. Fusce rutrum, mi in fermentum auctor, massa ipsum lacinia magna. Nulla facilisis fermentum velit. Proin justo orci, viverra fermentum, nonummy rutrum, condimentum malesuada, enim. Vivamus et orci vitae nisi blandit porta. Integer lacus leo, sollicitudin quis, consectetuer eget, elementum quis, enim. Quisque id velit. Duis ultricies ornare leo. Phasellus vitae augue sed nulla condimentum dictum.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus id lectus. Duis turpis dui, pellentesque id, rutrum sed. Sed hendrerit, est sed congue luctus, arcu mauris tincidunt elit, vestibulum accumsan quam risus nec turpis. Aliquam ultricies libero ut lacus. Cras scelerisque lectus ac justo. Proin imperdiet. Maecenas cursus. Cras euismod vehicula velit. Aenean odio augue, cursus ac, sagittis in, blandit sit amet, nulla. Suspendisse lacinia. Fusce feugiat quam sed ligula. Fusce rutrum, mi in fermentum auctor, massa ipsum lacinia magna. Nulla facilisis fermentum velit. Proin justo orci, viverra fermentum, nonummy rutrum, condimentum malesuada, enim. Vivamus et orci vitae nisi blandit porta. Integer lacus leo, sollicitudin quis, consectetuer eget, elementum quis, enim. Quisque id velit. Duis ultricies ornare leo. Phasellus vitae augue sed nulla condimentum dictum.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus id lectus. Duis turpis dui, pellentesque id, rutrum sed. Sed hendrerit, est sed congue luctus, arcu mauris tincidunt elit, vestibulum accumsan quam risus nec turpis. Aliquam ultricies libero ut lacus. Cras scelerisque lectus ac justo. Proin imperdiet. Maecenas cursus. Cras euismod vehicula velit. Aenean odio augue, cursus ac, sagittis in, blandit sit amet, nulla. Suspendisse lacinia. Fusce feugiat quam sed ligula. Fusce rutrum, mi in fermentum auctor, massa ipsum lacinia magna. Nulla facilisis fermentum velit. Proin justo orci, viverra fermentum, nonummy rutrum, condimentum malesuada, enim. Vivamus et orci vitae nisi blandit porta. Integer lacus leo, sollicitudin quis, consectetuer eget, elementum quis, enim. Quisque id velit. Duis ultricies ornare leo. Phasellus vitae augue sed nulla condimentum dictum.